
Multicoded data arises in surveys when a response to a question comprises multiple selections.
For example, if you're asked to choose all of the sportswear brands you've ever bought, you will probably select multiple items, even though you're only answering a single question.
Similarly, when applying codes in codeit, you may find multiple codes apply because a Verbatim contains many themes.

Laying out data of this sort in a file is slightly problematic, because survey response is made up of multiple values.

Layout Types

codeit recognises two common ways to lay out multicoded data when importing and exporting data - "Concatenated" and "Expanded"

Concatenated Layout

This layout type solves the multicoded data problem by joining together values into a single cell, separated by a delimited.
A common delimiter, and the default used by codeit is a semicolon.
This layout will look something like this: 

Note that the Variable "Q1_c" contains multiple values for each respondent, separated by a semi-colon.

Expanded Layout

This layout type solves the multicoded data problem by putting each value into a separate column.
With this layout type, the data above would instead look like this: