
The blue header on every page in codeit contains a collection of buttons which together are referred to as the "Ribbon". This is a navigation menu allowing you to navigate to other pages on codeit.


The Ribbon on the Manual Coding page appears like this:

The function of each button is as follows:

VisualizationToggles between the Manual Coding screen and the Visualize Themes screen.
ShortcutsDisplays a list of shortcuts available within the Manual Coding screen. Shortcuts make working in Manual Coding faster and more efficient.
ModeDisplays a dropdown allowing you to switch between coding modes.
SelectionsAllows you to see the settings (e.g. Task, date, coded/uncoded) used to select data in the current screen and choose a different selection if you require.
SettingsProvides access to various settings, such as display settings, additional columns and AI settings.
Quick ExportDisplays a dropdown giving you access to a number of data exports, without having to leave Manual Coding and revert to the Export Page.
ProjectsNavigates back to the Project Dashboard page.
Log OutLogs you out of codeit. Any unsaved work will be automatically saved back to the codeit server before you are logged out.