
A "Project" is analogous to a Market Research survey and is the fundamental unit of work within codeit. 

This page explains the individual parts that make up a codeit project.

Understanding these elements, and the role they play in codeit is crucial to successful use of the software.

Project Elements Map

The elements that make up a codeit project are represented by the following "map".
More detailed information about each element is available by clicking the links in the table below.

Project Elements

The following table lists out the Project elements above, provides a brief definition and links to further information:

ProjectRepresents a Market Research survey. A Project contains all of individual elements of a Survey"Customer Exit Survey"
"Detergent Concept Test"
WaveRepresents a period of fieldwork within the survey.
This could be weekly or monthly in the case of tracking surveys, "pre" and "post" in the case of concept/product tests or ad tests. All projects must have at least one wave, so for Ad Hoc surveys data will be stored in a single default wave called "Default"
"Week 23 2024"
"December 2024"
"Qtr2 2023"
VariableRepresents a question within a survey. When data is imported into codeit data for each question is stored in a separate variable.
If a variable has a codeframe attached it is considered to be a closed-end question, otherwise it assumed to be an open-ended question.
Sub VariableRepresents a sub question or iteration with another question in a survey. Most commonly a sub question will belong to a grid question or looped question. When coding, it is usually desirable to code all iterations together as a single set of data. By nesting iterations as sub variables it allows coders to work with a single parent variable as a whole, rather than having to code each iteration separated."QLikes_BrandA"
CodeframeA list of themes that a coder can select from when applying themes to verbatims when coding.1 - Price
2 - Service
3 - Reputation
RecordRepresents the data collected during a single interview on a survey. Each response within the interview is stored in a separate variable in codeit. -
TaskDefines a coding activity to be completed in codeit.
By grouping together a set of variables, and other settings, a Task defines what the coder will see on screen when performing the coding activity
Source Variables
(see Task)
A open-ended variable containing the verbatim data to be coded"Q3Reasons"
Context Variable
(see Task)
One or more variables to display on screen during the coding activity. Usually Context Variables contain survey responses that are related to the source variable and provide relevant context to the coder when deciding how to code each verbatim"Age"
"NPS Score"
Target Variable
(see Task)
A closed-end variable that will store the coded data applied within the current Task."Q3Reasons_c"