
When manual coding, the most obvious way to apply a code is simply to click on an item in the Codeframe Panel.

This page explains the actions required to achieve this. 

Actions Required

  1. Select a verbatim or set of verbatims in the verbatims table:
  2. Click the item within the codeframe panel that you want to apply:
  3. The clicked item will be applied to the selected verbatim(s):
  4. The item applied will also show a green tick in the Codeframe Panel to show that it is applied to the selected verbatims:

Click to Remove

Clicking an item with a green tick in the codeframe panel will have the opposite effect - it will remove that code from any selected verbatims that have that code applied. If the selected verbatims contain verbatims that do not have that code applied, the action will be ignored for these verbatims - i.e. there is no code removed so the action has no effect on those verbatims.