codeit provides support for auto-translation of verbatims, as well as the functionality for when your verbatims need to be manually translated by a linguist.  Translations can be added or edited within the coding screens, which may be suitable for small numbers of ad-hoc translations.  Further, if you need to translate a large batch of verbatims, then it is sometimes useful to export the whole batch for translation in an external process. This is particularly true if you want to import verbatims into third party translation software.  Watch the full video guide on how to handle multi-lingual projects here.

When translations are used in codeit

The table below describes the situations where translation is used within codeit.

Translation ScenarioBenefitsConsiderations
Auto-translationFast and does not require the input, time and cost of manual translators.Auto-translation will inevitably not get everything right, as some words are spelled the same across multiple languages etc. 
Manual translation within codeitUseful for smaller projects, coders who speak the specific language can complete translation as well as codingUnless client wishes to see/read full verbatims, typically you would only require coding or translated verbatim
Manual translation externallyConsider when;
  • Large volumes of verbatim are to be translated
  • Coders speak only master language
Additional time and cost to be planned into project

Find out more about exporting and importing the translation feed file here.

What languages are supported within codeit

A full list of supported languages is provided on this page.