What is an inconsistency report?

In order to check the quality of coding, an Inconsistency Report can be produced.  See this article which describes the codeit Quality Checking options overall including how to run this report. The inconsistency report is run, for example, to check that all instances of 'Coke' have been given the same code across all waves of the study.

How can this report be used?

Screenshots of what the inconsistency report contains are shown below, with an example provided at the bottom of this page.  The report exports with two sheets per coding task. In the example below, an instance of code 'spotify' being coded as code 2 rather than the correct code 22 has been identified, with the second sheet providing the workloadID that can be accessed and changed via the Data Tools which is often faster and more direct than going via the coding interface.

Sheet 1

This sheet tells us that spotify (and others) has been coded into two different codes, the anomaly being code 2 for three records.  Sheet 2 will provide the detailed WorkloadID that needs to be changed to fix the inconsistency.


Sheet 2

The WorkloadID is the unique identifier for a particular piece of coding e.g. record 1 Q2 coded into Q2_c.  This WorkloadID is needed as Q2 could be coded into two separate questions for sentiment and topic, which are two separate coding tasks.