codeit provides a number of different methods of coding verbatim manually.  The video below helps you decide whether to use standard coding or short text coding for your question.  Automated coding and use of AI is covered in a separate section here.

The table below provides a summary of the coding options demonstrated in this video and codeit's recommendation on when to use each.  Once you have decided which option to use, click on the hyperlink for a dedicated guide on each coding option.

Coding OptionDescriptionWhen to use this option
Manual codingEfficient coding method showing multiple items for coding on screen in a list.Most used method for standard verbatim coding
Brand codingInterface to maximise patterns and repetition common in short text coding.When coding one word or short phrase answers
e.g. list of brands

Refer to separate guides for themeit, codeit's AI automated coding tool, and for Quality Checking, which enables you to undertake quality control on your manual coding.