This article explains how and when the AI process runs in response to "triggers" within the Codeit system.


Triggers are events that happen (e.g. data uploaded) that suggest the AI might be able to code further records if it runs. Depending on the type of trigger, it may make sense to run all or only some of the AI Layers. This document outlines the various triggers that Codeit can respond to and the corresponding layers that are run in response to each trigger.

Each layer will run only if they are correctly enabled (see AI Settings, and Running the Artificial Intelligence for more details).

TriggerTrigger DescriptionText MatchingText RulesMachine Learning

Match against codeframeMatch against historyMatch against rulesApply machine learning
Upload recordsTriggered when new record data is added to Codeit.
Triggered regardless of whether records are uploaded directly in Codeit or via the Codeit API. 
Create tastTriggered when a new task is created in Codeit.
A task can be created directly in Administration, indirectly via "Quick Start" or through the Codeit API
Change CodeframeTriggered when a user adds codes or changes code labels in the Codeitframe.
Changes can be actioned directly in Administration, in any of the coding screens or through the Codeit API
Apply Text Match rulesTriggered when the user initiates one of the "Apply Text Match Rules" menu options in a coding screen.
User initiatedTriggered when a user presses the "Run AI" button in the Project Tasks Dashboard.

For more detailed descriptions of the options available in the coding with artificial intelligence section, you can refer to the  AI Settings Guide which contains all the settings that can be adjusted in this section.