Within the Administration area, you can view and adjust your project level settings codeframe settings as shown below .  To find this tab, click on the three dots in the top right corner of the main menu, choose admin and settings. Then from the left hand menu, choose projects, click on a project where you can access and adjust various settings including this one on codeframes.

Top blue buttons
Import Codeframes from fileAllows you to import a codeframe from an Excel file.
More information on this option here.
Blend CodeframesEnables you to merge two similar codeframes to align matching codes.  See more here.
Copy CodeframeAllows you to copy a codeframe from another question or project.  See more information here.
Add New CodeframeIt is possible to create codeframes from this interface - start by entering a name, then you can edit them from the main codeframe menu as per existing codeframes
Main screen column headings
Codeframe NameEnter your own codeframe name
Read-onlyWhether the codeframe can be changed - set by choosing edit settings
SharedWhether the codeframe is shared across multiple questions or projects
In Edit Mode (Locked)If the codeframe is currently in use, this will show as locked.
Date CreatedDate codeframe was first created or imported
ItemsNumber of existing codes in codeframe
Edit itemsChoose to edit codes within codeframe - then main codeframe interface appears with expected right click items for editing codes and codeframe
Edit SettingsEnables the editing of the codeframe name, read-only status and if duplicate labels are allowed
DeleteDeletes the specific codeframe