Most users will start their codeit journey by importing a basic data file for a new project.  Once you have mastered the steps in the data import wizard with a simple file, you may have more complex data import requirements, such as importing nested data, multilingual files, appending records or working with waves, etc.

You can find out more about these scenarios and the import process to follow in the in-depth help guides below.

FeatureTypical reasons for use
Nested dataMulticoded or looped data where one question is spread across several fields in the data file which can be merged for ease of coding.

You can also nest your data after import if you forgot to apply it in the import wizard.
Previously coded dataYou want to migrate a legacy project to codeit. You would like to increase coding efficiency by applying the machine learning and text matching based on previously coded data.
WavesYou want to import your data in 'waves' e.g. by month or quarter of a survey.
Response Level DataYou are importing data with this specific data type where each question response appears on a separate row (compared to standard data where all responses for an ID are on the same row)
Importing Excel data over multiple worksheetsYour data to be imported is spread over multiple worksheets in Excel
Importing an Ascribe project fileFor clients transitioning from Ascribe, you can import Ascribe XLM files to seamlessly recreate your project in codeit
Data containing PII (personally identifiable information) or profanitiesYour data contains respondent information that needs to be removed for GDPR or other reasons before loading to codeit, or you want to clean the data from any profanities in advance of coding.
Importing multi-language data filesThe project is non-native language or contains multiple languages, so translation or coders with language skills will be used
Overwriting or appending data to existing recordsYou want to append additional records or fields to an existing project.  You may also want to
update records because some data cleaning has been done.
Adding data/records to an existing projectAdditional records have become available and these need to be appended to an existing project.

See separate articles for importing codeframes and translations.

Each of the steps and options covered in these guides has tooltips shown in the software itself and listed in the Data Import Wizard Options Explained.  You can also find out more about the settings that you can change at company level in this guide: Data Import Company Settings.