This page describes the selection choices in the data import wizard step 1 "What do you want to import?".

You can find details of all options in the import wizard here.

Survey DataSelect this option if you want to import a data file containing the answer text to be coded.  This will open a wizard which will take you step-by-step through the process.
 - Standard Interview Data

Generally, the standard interview data loaded to Codeit is what is known as 'Respondent Level Data', where one respondent record is imported or exported as one row in the file (e.g. Excel or csv), with the question responses entered in the columns, as per the example shown below.

Find out more about standard interview data (respondent level data) here.

- Response Level Data

This is the less-common format of data, where the answers to each individual question for an ID are shown on separate rows.  The example below shows what this looks like in an Excel or csv format.

A table with text on it

Description automatically generated

This can be compared to the more typical standard interview data described above.


Find out more about response level data here.


Codeframes contain the categories of answers that you will apply to your text answers.  If you already have codeframes set up, select this option to import them here.

Here's an example of a simple codeframe:

A white background with black text

Description automatically generated

More on codeframes here.

If you have translated your text answers from the original language into another used by your coders, select this option to import them here. 


More on multi-lingual projects here.

Move to Step 2: Select project