This page describes the selection choices in the data import wizard step 2 "Select project".

You can find details of all options in the import wizard here.

Note for translations, only the Project Name is required at this step.

Project Details
CompanyChoose the relevant sub-company that your data should be stored in, if these are set up for your company. |
Import intoChoose whether to import your data into a brand-new project or an existing one in codeit.
Project NameFor new projects, a project name must be entered and it is recommended you enter the same name you use to refer to a survey internally. For existing projects, select the name of the project from the dropdown menu.
Multi-wave ProjectToggle to 'yes' if the data in this project is or is going to be divided into separate 'waves' which are used typically when data is analysed in batches by time period such as week, month, quarter or by event such as pre or post advertising launch.  Note that if this is an existing project that you had not previously set up as a wave study, you can choose 'Yes' here and set up a second or additional wave.

If your data is a one-off, ad hoc project, leave this option toggled to 'no'. Also choose 'No' if you are simply adding more data to your main dataset without it needing to be split by waves.

Find out more about arranging your project into waves here
WaveFor existing projects, you have the option of importing your data into an existing wave already set up previously, or a new wave. |
Wave NameChoose a Wave Name e.g. January, February, Q1, Q2, etc. |
Allow overwritingThis option appears if you attempt to import data into an existing wave within your project, or if you select 'No' to multi-wave project.

The options shown here affect how the new data and the existing data interact. Do not attempt to use these options unless you are familiar with the impact, as data can be overwritten in this process.

Before choosing your option, read in detail the options available and how they will impact your data file and watch the video in this help guide (they are too detailed to cover in a tooltip).
Options(only available on first import of a new project)
Project CodeOptional, but recommended for providing internal project reference.  For example, you can enter your internal project number in this field.
Project DescriptionOptional, but it is recommended that you add topline details of project here to aid navigation.
Project NotesAgain optional, this useful field allows you to add more detailed notes that will appear for coders enabling you to provide further detail and instructions to help them code the project. For example, you could provide an extract from your project briefing notes or information that will assist or provide context for the coding exercise.

Move to Step 3: Select file