Step 3 of the data import wizard allows you to select a file for import. The page also allows you to specify some of the details about the file itself.
You can find an overview of all the steps in the import wizard here.

Choose fileThe codeit Import Wizard supports files in the following formats:
  • CSV (comma separated)
  • XLS/XLSX (Excel) 
  • SAV (Spss) format.

Excel workbook files may include multiple worksheets to be imported. If you have other data formats, please contact codeit support.

You can either select a file by browsing to the location or drag and drop across from Explorer.

Nesting DelimiterIf your file contains nested data, this field denotes the variable header delimiter to use.
For example, for columns "Q1_1" and "Q1_2" we could use the delimiter '_' as the text up to the delimiter is common between each column. In the Import Wizard this has the effect of grouping these columns together and importing them as one variable.
The '_' delimiter is a very common convention and as such is the default value.
If your variable headers use a different delimiter you can override this here.
See more on nested data here.
Skip rows at startSome files may occasionally include descriptive information within the first few rows. This setting tells the Import Wizard to skip and ignore these rows.
Contains coded dataDenotes whether the file you're importing contains coded data.
Typically, you would import coded data in order to train the codeit AI on your project.
Switching this option on will display controls in step 4 that apply only when your file contains coded data.

Second screen specifically for Excel files with multiple sheets

DatasetsIf you are importing an Excel file with multiple sheets you will be asked which sheet(s) to import.  Excel sheets can contain separate sets of records or the same records split across multiple sheets. |

Move to Step 4: Select the fields in the file