This page describes the selection choices in the data import wizard step 4 "Choose fields".

You can find details of all options in the import wizard here.

When importing a basic layout data file, you will be presented with the options below at step 4.  For more advanced data including nesting, languages and more, see the next section.

Include fieldsHere, you choose the fields you wish to import.
Tick to include or untick to exclude fields from the import process. It is good practice to only import what you need for coding into codeit

Note that you should not ideally just click 'include all', for the following reasons;

  • It saves on database space
  • It makes things more manageable in codeit. Importing lots of redundant fields creates a lot of unnecessary clutter in codeit.
  • Personal data - some fields will contain personally identifiable information (PII) which shouldn't be stored in codeit without good reason.
NameDisplays the name of the field as denoted in headers in the import file
Use as IDEach record you import must be uniquely identifiable. This setting allows you to select a field that contains a unique Record ID (RID). The RID must be a value that is unique for all records. You cannot import a file without an ID field selection.
You can also select multiple fields to use as ID, where records are identified by the combined values of these ID fields.

Advanced fields

The import wizard provides more advanced features to support nesting, languages and more.

If your file contains nested data, the following options will appear in the main table
Field CountThis column relates to nested data, where multiple sub-fields are combined and imported into a single field. The "Field Count" displays the number of sub-fields that have been combined for a given field. Sub-fields can be manually selected and nested, or can be automatically nested via the nesting delimiter provided in step 2.
When there is no nesting for a given variable, the field count will be 1. If the Field Count is 1 for all fields then the import contains no nesting and the Field Count column is not displayed.
See the video guide and more on importing nested data here.
Nesting TypeData may be nested on import for a few different reasons.  Specifically, when data is multi-response, looped, or multi-coded.  To understand these options before making your choice, read this article explaining the different types.
See the video guide and more on importing nested data here.
The following features can be added using the 'Show/Hide Features' icon.  
Auto-TranslateIf data in your import file is in a language that differs from your base language (e.g. English), you may wish to use codeit's auto-translate feature to translate import data into your base language.  See more on working with multi-lingual projects here.
Manual-TranslateEnables you to flag that a field/column needs to be translated manually by a linguist. This setting enables functionality (e.g. translation export/import) that helps support the manual translation process.  Read and watch the help guide here before using this feature.
Image Import
('Is Url Resource')
You can indicate whether a field in your datafile contains urls for content (e.g. images) to be downloaded upon import.
Remove PIIIf any fields in your file contain PII (or Personally Identifiable Information) you can use this setting to strip the PII out of the data during the upload process. More on removing PII and the specific types that are removed can be found here.
Remove ProfanitySelect this option to remove any profane words from the field as it is imported.  More details on how this process works and the languages supported can be found here.
Editable verbatimsSelect this option to mark the verbatims are editable. Verbatims and translations will be available for edits in the coding screens.
Underneath the field selection table, you can choose the following language options
See more here: Multi-lingual projects
Language SourceAllows you to specify the language used for the verbatim data in your file. 
There are three options as follows: 
  • Single Language - all of the data in the file is in a single language, e.g. English
  • Language Field - the file contains a field that denotes the language for each record
  • Autodetect - use the Codeit autodetect feature to discern the language for each record. In order to perform an autodetect, at least one field must be marked for translation. 
Before using language features, read and watch the help guide here.
LanguageIf single language selected, specify the base language of your project here.
Language FieldIf 'language field' selected, specify the data field that contains your language here.  If your file contains languages that are not already included in Codeit, you will add them using the 'add new language label'