Within the codeframe area of the coding screen, you can click on various options in the codeframe menu above the actual code list, as shown in the below screenshot.  

This page provides tooltips for each of these options:

  • Filter by key word
  • Order of codeframe
  • Codeframe icons (in grey section)
  • Codeframe settings (below grey section)


Filter by keyword

Enter a keyword into the box to filter the codeframe itself and just show those codes that contain the filter.

Codeframe Sorting Options

The following table explains the various sorting options under the tab 'Order' and their behaviour: 

DefaultThis leaves the code in the order it was created.
FrequencyThis shows the most common code at the top to the least common code at the bottom.
CodeThis sorts the codeframe based on the entry code of each item.
AlphabeticalThis sorts the codeframe in alphabetical order using the label of each codeframe item.

Codeframe icons

The grey shaded menu at the top of the codeframe provides a number of options for viewing and filtering the codeframe itself.  The second column shows whether each icon appears when the advanced editing button is toggled on, off or always.

ItemViewed with advanced editing on / off / bothDescription
OnDelete unused codes
OnCheck spelling
OnDrag and drop re-ordering enabled
Collapse all nets within the codeframe to hide the individual codes
BothExpand all nets within the codeframe to show all codes
OffAdd multiple items
OffAdd net
Merge selected items
Move selected items to root
OnSelect items to delete
OffShow codeframe change log.  The codeframe change log as shown below will list the date and user and provide a description of the change made and status of the change.  The changes can be filtered by date and change type.
OffOpens the codeframe with the number and percentage mentions in a new window
OffRefresh the codeframe so any new codes appear for the coder that have been added since the start of the session.
BothIf you have selected one or more codes from the list using the left hand buttons, this icon will clear the selected items.

Codeframe settings

By clicking the three lines icon next to the order at the top of the codeframe panel, you can view the codeframe menu settings, which are described below.

FrequencyClick the button to show the frequency counts next to the codes.  This enables you to see the volume of mentions of each code as you are coding
DisplayWith the frequencies switched on, here you can choose what to display from the following options:
  • Number and %
  • % (only)
  • Number (only)
If "Include all sub-items in search items" is toggled on, the search will display all sub-items within a net if the net label matches the search.