
By default, the data visualisations in themeit will display numbers and scores based on all records within your data.
Sometimes, however, it is useful to filter the results so they are based on a subset of records.
For example, you may want to base your data on a specific demographic, customer group or sample type.
themeit offers the ability to add an overall filter which is applied to all of the visualisations on the page. 

Filter Toolbar

To apply a filter to your data, click the filter button in the filter toolbar.

The filter dialog will appear allowing you to define the filter you want. The dialog will be allow you to select filter values from context variables within the current task.
If the variables you require are not shown, use the Project Details Page to to edit the task and add any variables you require. 


Once applied, the active filter will appear in the filter toolbar.

The active filter can be edited at any time, by clicking the edit icon, or the filter button.
Filters can be removed by clicking the "X" icon.