
The "Source Variables" tab of the Link Data Wizard allows you to pick questions / variables in your survey that contain text data for coding. The list will include all questions / variables that contain text data (e.g. Text, Essay, Other Specify etc.) At least one item must be selected before you can move to the next page in the wizard.

In addition to selecting Variables for coding, the page also offers a number of other important features. 


On some platforms, "Iterative" questions (e.g. Loops or Grids) may translate into multiple variables listed in the "Source Variables" tab. Importing these as separate coding Tasks can be unwieldy, so codeit offers the ability to "collapse" iterations into a single variable containing each iteration as a sub-variable.

To achieve this, firstly multi-select a set of variables (by clicking, shift clicking or ctrl + clicking) then press the collapse icon on one of the rows.

All of the selected rows will be collapsed and therefore treated as a single variable, with each of the collapsed variables existing as a sub-variable within.

Applies to: Decipher, Marketsight and Questback.

For all other platforms, collapsing is not necessary as Iterative questions are not expanded into separate variables. Instead, you can simply select the overall parent question and all iterations beneath will be loaded as sub-variables within the variable created in codeit.


Sometimes the variable/question names in your survey can be unwieldy when used as variable names in codeit (e.g. when the name contains question text, or html). Renaming allows you to provide an alternative name for a variable making it easier to work with in codeit. To alias a variable in the link data wizard click the "edit" pencil icon.

Additional Settings

For selected source variables there are a number of checkboxes you can select to apply additional settings as follows:

Auto-TranslateIf selected, will auto translate verbatims on import into the relevant base language 
Manual-TranslateFlags a source variable as requiring manual translation.
Variables flagged in this way are, by default, included in the Translation Feed File export
Remove PIIIf selected, codeit will automatically redact any Personally Identifiable Information for the selected variable on import. See here for more details on this feature. 
Remove ProfanityIf selected, codeit will automatically redact any profane content within selected variable on import. See here for more details on this feature.
Editable VerbatimsIf selected, verbatims will be editable (i.e. the verbatim text can be edited and changed) within the coding screens.