
After you have linked to a survey in your survey platform, a project will be created with all of the relevant Tasks configured.  
At this stage, only the configuration is complete - your codeit project does not contain any actual survey data. 
Synchronising data from/to your survey is the role of the "Sync Data" process in codeit. 

Initiating a Data Sync

When you want to synchronise the data between your survey platform and codeit you need to manually trigger the "Sync Data" process.  Manually initiating it in this way gives you full control of the timing and management of the process. 
For example, only you can know when is the right time to load in new data for coding, or when the coded data is finalised and ready for writing back to your survey. 

To initiate a data synchronisation, you press the Sync Data button for the relevant project on the Project Dashboard page. 

Introducing the Data Sync Dialog

Pressing the Sync button will display the "Data Sync Dialog" (see screenshot below, illustrating a Forsta Surveys project).
There are three possible types of data sync that can be controlled within this dialog:

Source DataSynchronises verbatim responses from/to your survey platform 
Coded DataSynchronises coded data from/to your survey platform
TranslationsSynchronises translations from codeit to your survey platform