The Project Details page will show information about each Task at an overall level. If the Source Variable in your Task is nested (i.e. contains Sub Variables) then sometimes you may want display a breakdown for each individual Sub Variable. The Tasks panel contains functionality to do this so you can choose the level of detail you want to see.
Displaying Sub Variables
If the Source Variable in a Task is nested then a down arrow will be displayed next to the Task name:
Clicking on this arrow will expand the Task row and display a breakdown for each Sub Variable below:
Setting the default display
By default, the Tasks panel will just display information at the overall Task level. If you prefer to see the expanded, Sub Variable view by default you can set this in the display as follows:
- Click the cog button in the top-right corner of the Tasks panel
- Within the Options panel that appears, click the "Expanded" option (or "Collapsed" if you want the collapsed view to be the default)
This setting is specific to you, and we be applied each time you use the Project Details page thereafter.