
codeit is a dedicated platform for Coding and analysing open-ended responses from market research surveys. It contains a variety of tools and features to make the process of Coding more efficient and accurate than more traditional tools or techniques.

No two surveys are alike and research requirements/constraints can vary widely, so codeit provides a range of tools that can can be mixed and matched to suit. All of the tools within codeit are fully integrated within one single application.

Key Features

The key features within codeit are as follows:

Data ImportImports survey data from files into the codeit platform. Contains a number of features for handling complex real-world data files.
Data LinksConnects codeit directly to survey platforms. Source data seamlessly syncs from the survey platform into codeit and coded data seamlessly syncs back again. Achieves greater efficiency by removing the need to import and export files.
Manual CodingIndustry leading Coding tool for manually coding Verbatims and working with Codeframes.
Theme ExtractionGenerative AI-powered tool used to extract Themes and Sentiment from Verbatims and apply autocoding.
Theme VisualisationProvides a set of graphical data visualisations to enable analysis of themes, results and coding.
Machine LearningAI system that automatically learns from the coded data you provide. This learning is then applied to autocode new or uncoded Verbatims.
Data ExportExports data from codeit into a variety of formats tailored to the Market Research industry.
APIProvides programmatic access to the codeit system allowing integration with your own tools.