
When manual coding, you might find it convenient to simply drag an item from the codeframe panel and drop it onto a verbatim to apply it.  For example, if the item is close at hand you may find it easier to simply grab it and drag it to where you want to apply it rather than searching within the codes textbox.
This page explains the actions required to do this. 

Actions Required

  1. Locate the item with the codeframe panel that you want to apply. Click the item, hold down the left mouse key and begin to drag the item away from the codeframe towards the target verbatim:

  2. Drag the item onto the target verbatim. The target verbatim will be highlighted indicating the drop area:

  3. Release the left-mouse button to drop the code and apply it to the target verbatim:

  4. Note that if no verbatims are selected, then the code will be applied to the target verbatim only.
    If any verbatims are selected, however, the code will be applied to all selected verbatims, regardless of where the code is dropped:

  5. The item applied will also show a green tick in the Codeframe Panel to show that it is applied to the selected verbatims:

Drag to remove

You can also drag a code away from a verbatim, or selected verbatims, and drop it back onto the codeframe panel to remove it from a verbatim, or selected verbatims.

Enabling Drag & Drop

Note that the the drag and drop functionality is not enabled by default. In order to enable this functionality for your account, or sub company, you need to enable the "Enable Drag and Drop Between Codeframe and Verbatims"  setting within the Company Settings page within the Admin section of codeit.