
In Company Analytics, the Usage Reporting page allows to track the overall codeit Workloads usage. 

This can be useful to track how much workloads were used over a period of time, for example monthly or yearly.

To access the Usage Reporting page, click on "Usage" in the Company Analytics ribbon

Summary of Usage Reporting terms & metrics

The table below summarizes the metrics and filters availble in the Usage report.

FiltersDate RangeChoose the date range for the report.  This could be for monthly reporting requirements for example.
CompaniesIf you have a structure of companies and sub-companies,  you can filter by them here.
Choose a specific project or projects here
Additional Columns
Allows to break down the metrics by Task, Date and Month.
MetricsWorkloads Coded
The Total number of Workloads coded for this project. This total will be broken down according to the Additional Columns selected in the Filters (Task, Date, Month
Sum total of the page based on the filters selected
Sum total for the entire report based on the filters selected