
This page of the Survey Data Import Wizard allows you to pick and choose which fields to import from your file.

It also allows you to enable certain settings and actions (e.g. Auto Translation) that will be applied as the file is imported.

Actions Required

Select Fields

Mostly likely your file will contain a number of fields that are not relevant for the task of coding.
As a matter of good data protection practice, you should only import fields that required for the coding tasks at hand.
To include a field for import, tick the relevant checkbox in the "Import" column. Fields that are checked will be imported, fields that are not checked will be ignored.

Collapse Fields

If your survey contains iterative, looped or multi-response questions, this will mean your file contains multiple columns for each question. Rather than importing these as separate Variables, which would be unwieldy, the Survey Data Import Wizard gives you the ability collapse fields together into Sub Variables.
By default, codeit will attempt to automatically collapse fields according to the Nesting Delimiter setting selected on the Select File page. 

Alternatively, you can manually multi-select columns click the "Collapse" icon to collapse the fields into Sub Variables.

Settings and Actions

Each of the columns on this page contain settings and actions that can be used as follows: 

ImportCheckboxes (see above) that control which fields should be imported, and which should be ignored
NameDisplays the name that will be assigned to the Variable when imported.
By default this will be the same name as the field in your file, but you can click the pen icon to edit the name and import your data into a different variable name.
This column also contains icons for collapsing and expanding nested columns (see above).
Field CountIf you have collapsed fields, displays the number of Sub Variables contained within each import field. 
Use as IDDenotes that codeit should treat a column as a unique identifier that uniquely identifies each interview in your data. You must select at least one of your columns as an Id column. Selecting more than one field will result in codeit creating a composite Id value for each interview from the fields selected. 
Auto-TranslateTick a box in this column if you would like codeit to autotranslate a variable on import. 
Manual-TranslateTick a box in this column to flag as variable as requiring manual translation.
Using this setting makes it much easier in the Export page to export a specialised file for your translators to use. 
Is Url ResourceTick a box in this column if your field contains URLs for images that you want codeit to include in the coding process. 
Remove PIITick a box in this column if you want codeit to automatically scan your data and redact any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that it finds. 
Remove ProfanityTick a box in this column if you want codeit to automatically scan your data and redact any profane mentions that it finds. 
Editable VerbatimsTick a box in this column if you want to make verbatims editable by coders during the coding process. 

Enabling Settings and Actions

By default, not all of the settings and actions above will be displayed. Use the dropdown in the top-right to toggle on/off the display of the variable settings and actions columns: