You can export your coded data easily and quickly using the Data Export wizard.  There are many different formats to choose from.  This article deals with the most straightforward exports of csv and Excel.  For other data formats and reports, view the options here.

How to export a simple data file from codeit

Watch the video below which takes you through the code export wizard and options required for export to csv and Excel.

Each of the steps and options covered in this video has a tooltip that is shown in the software itself and listed in the Data Export Wizard Options ExplainedYou can also find out more about the import settings that you can change at company level in this guide: Data Export Company Settings. 

What does the exported file look like?

An example of csv / Excel data format can be found at the bottom of this help guide.  A screenshot/view of what the standard format looks like is shown below.  For more information on the different options, view these articles on multicode options of concatenated or separated and dichotomous data format.

The screenshot below shows both csv and Excel formats viewed in Excel.  The Excel export also has the ability to export each coding task to separate sheets.  In this example, the multicode format is concatenated (the default).