Exporting themeit data

In the export Wizard, it is possible to export the raw themeit data in Excel format for further analysis.

The options are:

- Waves: select the waves for which you want to export the data
- Tasks: select the tasks for which you want to export the data

The layout of the exported file is shown below:

The layout consists of the following fields:

RIDThe Respondent Id chosen on project setup
VariableFor context, the name of the variable that the verbatim is attached to.
WaveFor context, the name of the wave that the respondent is attached to
SentimentA value between -2 (Strong Negative) and +2 (Strong Positive) denoting the sentiment of the Phrase
Explains the Sentiment of the Phrase
The subject of the Phrase
A value between 0 and 1 indicating how confident the codeit AI is for this code. The Confidence is blank if the code was applied manually.
Part of the verbatim which has been identified by themeit as a specific aspect
Codeframe item label which has been assigned to the Phrase in themeit or Manual Coding mode
The original entire verbatim.
Verbatim (Translation)
Translation of the entire verbatim if it has been enabled