
Before you apply the codeit AI to data in your project, there are a number of settings you can adjust to control which methods are used during the process.


Within the "Settings" tab you can adjust the following options:

Use Text MatchingChoose whether to apply the Text Matching layer of the codeit AI.
This layer autocodes verbatims by looking for identical verbatims in the example coded data. It also attempts to autocode verbatims by matching against the text labels of codes within the codeframe.
Use Text RulesChoose whether to apply the Text Rules layer of the codeit AI.
This layer autocodes verbatims by applying pattern matching expressions defined by users on codes within the codeframe.
Use Machine LearningChoose whether to apply the machine learning layer of the codeit AI.
This layer autocodes verbatims by applying codeit's advanced deep learning system.


Within the "Advanced" tab you can adjust the following option:

Retrain RobChoose whether to retrain codeit's machine learning model before applying the autocoding.
This option will bring the model up to date with any new coded examples that have been added since the last time the model was trained.
This improves the accuracy of the model by ensuring it has learned from all of the latest data available to it.
Switching this option off will speed up the autocoding by skipping the training phase of the process.
If your model has previously been trained on a large amount of data and the amount of new data is small, it is probably not worth the additional time to retrain the model because the new training data wont make a material difference to the quantity and accuracy of the autocoding applied.