
The manual coding screen in codeit consists of a number of page elements. This page gives an outline of what these elements are, and provides links to further information about how to use them.

Page Elements

The manual coding screen consists of the following page elements. The screenshot below shows you where each of these elements exist within the page:

1Project/Wave TitleDisplays the names of the Project and Wave currently being coded.
2RibbonSet of buttons used to view and edit the manual coding settings and to navigate to other pages of the codeit app.
3Task TitleDisplays the name of the Task currently being coded.
4Variable DescriptionDisplays the description (usually question text) of the variable being coded.
5Task SwitchDropdown allowing you to switch to and code another Task within the Project.
6Progress BarDisplays the overall coding progress of the Task/Wave being coded. The percentage represents the percentage of all Workloads in the Task/Wave that have one or more codes applied.
7Filter/Selection TitleDisplays information about the number of verbatims in scope when a filter is applied and/or the number of records currently selected.
Also displays a count of the number of coding changes that have been made that, as yet, haven't been saved back to the codeit server.
8Save ButtonIf pressed, forces codeit to send any unsaved changes back to the codeit server. Strictly speaking this is not necessary, since codeit will autosave your work.
9Codeframe PanelDisplays the Codeframe for the Task being coded. Provides numerous tools for applying codes, filtering verbatims and editing the Codeframe.
10Filter TextboxAllows you to filter the verbatims in scope by performing a text search.
11Filter ToolbarContains various buttons that allow you to filter verbatims in scope and work with your data.
12Paging ControlAllows you to move through pages of verbatims in the event that the entire set of verbatims does not fit on the page.
13Full Screen ButtonToggles full screen mode. Full screen mode can be used to maximize screen real estate when coding.
14Column HeadersLabels each of the columns on display. Also provides methods for filtering and sorting data.
15Code Labels ToggleToggles the display of labels for each code applied.
16Find & Replace ButtonDisplays the Find & Replace codes tool.
17Id ColumnContains the Id values (usually Interview Id) associated with each verbatim displayed.
18Verbatim ColumnContains the verbatims being coded.
19Codes ColumnProvides a text box for entering codes to apply them to each verbatim as well as displaying codes and associated information for any codes already applied.
20Length ColumnDisplays the length (character count) of each verbatim.
21Coverage ColumnDisplays the Coverage percentage for each verbatim. Coverage is the percentage of characters in the verbatim that are associated with a code.
-Context Columns(Not shown) additional columns may be shown that contain Context Data depending on your Task setup.
22Flag ButtonDropdown allowing you to apply a flag to each verbatim.
23Help WidgetButton to launch the support widget giving you access to documentation and a form to contact support.