
The main activity of manual coding involves applying codes to verbatims. There are several ways to apply codes in codeit which you can use according to your preferences.
This page outlines the methods available and explains how to use them. 


There are four different ways to apply codes to verbatims when manual coding, as follows:

MethodDescriptionApplies To
Click CodeClick a code in the codeframe to apply that code to all selected verbatimsSelected Verbatims
Search CodeSearch for an item by code in the codeframe using the codes textboxSelected Verbatims
Search Code TextSearch for an item by text in the codeframe using the codes textboxSelected Verbatims
Drag & DropDrag and item from the codeframe onto a verbatimSelected Verbatims or Drop Target (if no verbatims are selected)

Which method should I use? 

The method you use is entirely down to personal preference. Different people work in different ways so you can use whichever method your comfortable. Often, coders will use a mix of methods as convenient when coding data. 

Selected Verbatims

When manual coding, it's important to understand that multiple verbatims can be selected at any one time.
This allows you to work more efficiently as you treat a set of selected verbatims as one block and apply codes to several verbatims in one go. Note that the methods above will apply a code to all selected verbatims.
When a verbatim is selected it is highlighted in blue, so when several verbatims are selected the display will look like this: