In the coding screens, it is possible to search for a specific word or phrase using the search box.
This page details the options available with the filter Search
Searching using keywords
The search can contain a phrase of any length. It will search the Original verbatims and the Translations depending on the columns displayed in the coding table.
Once the search is entered in the text box, press "Enter" to apply the filter. A "Contains" filter will appear in the header row of the coding panel and the results will be highlighted in the verbatim and translation columns where a match is found:
There are 3 advanced keywords available for an advanced search:
- "AND": the verbatim has to match all keywords. For example, the filter "comfort AND home" will match verbatims containing the phrases "comfort" and "home"
- "OR": the verbatim has to match any keyword. For example, the filter "comfort OR comfortable" will match verbatims containing the phrases "comfort" or "comfortable"
- "NOT": the verbatim does not match the keyword. For example, the filter "NOT comfort" will match verbatims not containing the phrase "comfort"
Searching using RegEx
Alternatively to the keyword search, it is possible to filter verbatim using a RegEx by clicking on the Reg/Ex option:
The filter then uses the Regular expression syntax. You can find out more about this syntax here.
The advanced keywords defined above are not available in the Reg/Ex search.