Coding panel options

Coding Screen overview
The main coding screen has many options available to give you maximum flexibility in how you code your data.  There are options as seen on the coding screen...
Thu, 15 Aug, 2024 at 12:26 PM
Manual coding panel
This article shows explanations of each of the elements of the manual coding panel shown on the right-hand side of the coding screen.  The manual coding...
Thu, 21 Mar, 2024 at 3:12 PM
Brand Coding panel
This article shows explanations of each of the elements of the brand coding panel shown on the right-hand side of the coding screen.  The brand coding p...
Thu, 21 Mar, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Quality Checking (QA Status) panel
The Quality Checking screen is exactly the same as the Manual coding screen except for one additional column to the far right that denotes the QA status, th...
Thu, 21 Mar, 2024 at 4:06 PM
Coding Panel menu icons
At the top of the coding panel, you presented with a number of options that enable you to filter the verbatims that you are presented with for coding.  Thes...
Thu, 21 Mar, 2024 at 12:12 PM
Coding Panel right click options (top menu)
The screen and table below show the options available when right clicking above the coding panel.  This allows you to toggle between coding modes and tasks....
Thu, 21 Mar, 2024 at 4:07 PM
Coding Panel right click options (manual coding/QC)
When in the manual coding panel (area below the headings row), when you right click, the menu shown below will appear.  The table below provides explanation...
Fri, 22 Mar, 2024 at 10:43 AM
Coding Panel right click options (brand coding)
When in the brand coding panel (area below the headings row), there are two different right click menus depending on where you click.  If you click on on...
Thu, 21 Mar, 2024 at 12:53 PM
Coding panel settings
codeit enables the user to adjust certain settings for their coding task session.  This article provides explanations for each of the options displayed when...
Tue, 3 Sep, 2024 at 2:28 PM