
The Config panel within the Project Details page allows you to see and edit the top-level details regarding a coding project in codeit. 

Accessing the uploads panel

To view the config panel, click the "Config" button in the ribbon within the Project Details page.

Panel Fields

The following aspects of a project can be viewed and/or edited in the Config panel. 

SettingProject NameEditable?
Project NameA unique name given to each Project in codeit to identify it. Usually this is the same name as your survey.
Project Code[Optional] An internal code or project number used to identify a survey that a codeit Project relates to.Yes
Date CreatedThe date and time that a Project was createdNo
StatusThe current status of a Project, either Live or Archived Yes
Description[Optional] A description giving background details of a Project that might be useful for other users or team membersYes
Notes[Optional] Any notes or instructions that are relevant for coders whilst working on a Project. Notes entered here will be become available in the Manual Coding interface by means of the "Coder Notes & Instructions" button:
