
The "Languages" panel in the Project Details page shows a list of the Languages in use within your Project.
It also gives you access to a breakdown of Project Statistics broken down by Language.

Accessing the Languages panel

To view the Languages panel, click the "Languages" button in the ribbon within the Project Details page.

Panel Fields

Information about Languages is shown in a table, with the following columns: 

LanguageThe name of a Language in use in the current Project. The name displayed is the system name used by codeit as defined in the list of supported languages
Total WorkloadsThe number of Workloads assigned to a Language. 
Total Workloads CodedThe number of Workloads assigned to a Language and with one or more codes applied. 
Total Workloads CheckedThe number of Coded Workloads that have also been assigned a QA Status.
Distinct WorkloadsThe number of Distinct Workloads assigned to a Language.
Distinct Workloads CodedThe number of Distinct Workloads assigned to a Language and with one or more codes applied. 
Distinct Workloads CheckedThe number of Coded Distinct Workloads assigned to a Language that have also been assigned a QA Status.