
The Config section of the Edit Task page allows you to edit the General settings of a Task

Available Settings

Task NameThe unique name with a Project assigned to identify a Task.
Task TypeThe Type assigned to a Task to indicate the type of Verbatim data it contains. 
Task NotesAny notes for the 0 that you want to display as coder instructions on the coding screens.

In addition to the General settings of a Task, there are three panels (Source, Target, and Context) that allow you to configure the Variables used within a Task

Source Settings

This panel allows you to choose the Source Variable assigned to a Task

The following settings can also be edited with the Source Settings;

DescriptionAllows you to edit the Variable Description setting of the Source Variable.
Editable VariablesSetting to control whether coders can edit the source verbatim text while coding

Target Settings

This panel allows you to choose the Target Variable assigned to a Task.

Context Settings

This panel allows you to choose the Context Variables assigned assigned to a Task.
The following settings can also be edited with the Context Settings;

Display RelativityControls the display of context variables relative to the source variable iteration when the Source Variable is nested.