This export allows the user to export a file that can be translated manually in an Excel file prepared for this purpose.  For more information on translations and associated processes, click here.  Note that translation files are imported via the Data Tools.

WaveSelect wave(s) to be included in report
Record TypeAll or flagged records.  The flag feature could be used to highlight poor translations, which could then be exported for review. 
Export Auto-Translated VariablesYes/No
Export Manually Translated VariablesYes/No
Export LayoutTranslation Feed File
Split Output by VariableCreate separate worksheets for each variable exported.
Exclude Translated DataThis option excludes already translated data from being exported in the feed file
Copy Verbatim to TranslationIf a verbatim has no translation data, this option copies the verbatim value to the translated value for the feed file
Attach Project Name to File NamesThis option attaches the project name to the output Excel file names
Include English Data in ExportThis option includes base language data in the feed file