This month, we've made a couple of changes to the Start Menu in codeit, explained below.
"Short Text" is now "Brands"
All Tasks in codeit have a "Task Type", which indicates what type of open question the Task relates to (e.g. open-ended text, brand mentions etc...).
Previously, codeit used the term "Short Text" to denote brand coding Tasks.
However, this task type has now been renamed as "Brands" to more accurately reflect the intended meaning and tie in more consistently with the Brand Coding features in codeit.
Configure Tasks
We have added the ability to configure Tasks directly within the Start Menu in codeit.
The previous methods for configuring Tasks still exist (e.g. Project Details) but some of our users have asked for this functionality on the Start Menu as well for convenience.
You will now see a 'Configure' button on the Start Menu when Manual Coding, Quality Checking or Visualize options are selected.