Importing different data types

Importing nested data
What is nested data? Within Codeit, Nested data refers to data that has multiple answers that need to be spread across multiple variables for import or exp...
Thu, 14 Mar, 2024 at 10:50 AM
Importing previously coded data
Why import previously coded data? If you have transitioned from another coding tool or previously did your coding manually in-house, that 'bank' of...
Thu, 14 Mar, 2024 at 10:50 AM
Importing data in waves
What is wave data? Wave data is encountered when you import the first and subsequent waves of an ongoing or tracking study.  Your 'wave' study will...
Thu, 14 Mar, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Importing Response Level Data
What is response level data? In this data layout, each row represents a single answer to a single question on a survey as opposed to the usual layout where...
Thu, 14 Mar, 2024 at 10:47 AM
Importing Excel data over multiple worksheets
Why do we need to consider multiple worksheets for Excel data import? When importing data from an Excel workbook, you may have the scenario when your data ...
Fri, 8 Mar, 2024 at 7:45 AM
Importing an Ascribe project file
Why import an Ascribe xml project file? If you are transitioning from Ascribe, you may wish to import an Ascribe XML file to seamlessly recreate your Ascri...
Fri, 8 Mar, 2024 at 7:45 AM
Re-importing files to append/overwrite data
When to re-import files It is possible to re-import the same set of data multiple times within codeit. There are a number of scenarios when you may wish to...
Thu, 14 Mar, 2024 at 10:52 AM
Adding data/records to an existing project
When to use this feature This article shows you how to add more data records into an existing project. This is typically needed if you are being provided w...
Thu, 14 Mar, 2024 at 10:52 AM
Overwriting Existing Data - options explained
When to use this feature When you import data, in certain scenarios (e.g. importing to overwrite existing records or append additional records) there may b...
Thu, 7 Mar, 2024 at 3:43 PM