
The "Variables" panel in the Project Details page shows a list of the Variables in use within your Project.
It also gives you access to stats for each Variable and the ability to edit certain aspects of a Variable.

Accessing the Variables panel

To view the Variables panel, click the "Variables" button in the ribbon within the Project Details page.

Panel Fields

Information about Variables is shown in a table, with the following columns: 

VariableThe unique name that identifies a Variable within a Project.Yes
DescriptionDescriptive information about a Variable, the data it holds and/or its purpose.
Often, the Description is used to hold the question text of the survey question that Variable relates to.
Codeframe[For Closed End Variables]
The Codeframe attached to the Variable.
Max Codes[For Closed End Variables]
The maximum number of codes that can be stored or applied for any given single response
TranslationShows the Translation settings applied to a Variable.Yes
Show in Start MenuIndicates whether a Variable should be available to users on the the codeit Start Menu.
Include in ExportIndicates whether a Variable should be included when data is exported using the File Export.Yes
Export Type[For Closed End Variables]
The default layout to use when exporting multicoded data for a Variable.
Export Delimiter[For Closed End Variables]
The default delimiter to use for a Variable when exporting multicoded data in concatenated format (see Export Type above). 
Export Format[For Closed End Variables]
The default format to use when exporting closed end data values for a Variable.
Date CreatedThe date/time a Variable was createdYes

Reordering Variables

You can use the controls in the first column of the Variables Panel to reorder the file export order of the variables in your project.
When data is exported to a file, using the Export page, Variables will be exported in the order they appear in the Variables Panel.
Note that sorting the Panel using the sort on any other column does not have an effect on the export order.